Friday, December 30, 2011

Music Video: Lyapis Trubetskoy - Ogon'ki

When I look for new music in countries and languages that I don't already understand, oftentimes the best place to start looking is on Wikipedia.  I don't mean this to be a commercial for the site, but it continues to help me immensely when I am looking for broad themes like "Japanese Soul Music" or today's search, "Russian Alternative Rock".

Anyway, Wikipedia pointed me to Russia's A-One TV channel, which is essentially a music video channel that focuses on alternative rock.  It turns out that every year they have a "viewers choice" awards program called RAMP (Russian Alternative Music Prize), and today's video from Belorussian band Lyapis Trubeskoy, Ogon'ki, was RAMP's 2009 award winner for Best Music Video.

I have to admit, I am not always a huge fan of eastern European rock.  As with much of the popular music that comes out of places like France that have relatively inward looking cultural scenes, eastern European rock has particular regional idiosyncrasies that have great appeal to the local market, but doesn't really appeal to my personal tastes.  But in this case, the music and video combination is pretty amazing, and is well worth checking out.

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