Auletta: Sommerdiebe
Okay, first let me bitch (again) about something that has been bugging me. Both in my little adventure through Bundesvision, as well as through my broader delving through the world of international pop music and its various - sometimes unusual - variants, I try to share with you samples of the music so that you can judge for yourselves whether you too will like it. Frankly, it is always my hope, if you do find something here that you enjoy, that you'll want to buy it. To be honest, when I hear about a new band that sounds interesting, the first place I go to listen to it is the band's website, the band's MySpace page, or YouTube. It's kind of the "try before you buy" principle.
Well, in my attempt to find a good web-based version of Auletta's Sommerdiebe, I kept running into record label erected walls. Everywhere I turn, I'm told that this song is "not available in your country". Yes, I understand there are international copyright issues and all that, but almost every other song is available in my country, why not this specific one?
Anyway, I wanted to make this post all about how much I like the sample of Sommerdiebe that is available from the Auletta website. It's fresh, it's "alt"-poppy, it's got a good beat you can dance to. Broadly, it's a song that makes you feel good. I like that, and I think the German public will like that too. Fortunately, Germans will actually be able to listen to the entire song, and to watch the video. Sadly, the rest of us won't. It's a pity really. I would have liked to buy the album.
Prediction: Rhineland-Palatinate has historically done abysmally in the Bundesvision Song Contest. With Auletta's Sommerdiebe, or at least what I've heard of it, I think they have a chance to turn that around. I predict that Sommerdiebe will land among the top third in 2010.
ADDENDUM (Sept. 16): Well, wonders will never cease. After posting the above I notice that the official video for Sommerdiebe has been uploaded to YouTube, with access available everywhere. Hallelujah! Now having heard the entire song, I still like it, but perhaps not as much. Sommerdiebe will still do reasonably well, but maybe not in the top third after all.
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